Sunday, May 11, 2008

"J" is for....

Japanese Garden

Grand Forks, ND at one time had a sister city in Japan. When Awano was annexed into a larger city which ended the relationship. Sertoma Park holds a couple of mementos from that relationship.

I apologize for the blurriness. I had a computer crash and lost several pictures, but found that I had uploaded some to Snapfish. It was too expensive to have them put on cd-rom so I simply saved them to my computer and resized them which accounts for some blurriness. I hope to spend an couple of hours this summer, retaking the pictures.

For more information on sister cities take a look at Sister Cities International. Here is a Wikipedia article on Town Twinning.

I thank all who have stopped by and left comments. I do appreciate it. Be sure to check out Quilldancer to find more participants of the Alphabet project.


Anonymous said...

the garden looks very pretty... lovely choice :)

Anonymous said...

These are beeeeauuuutiful! I really enjoy Japanese gardens!

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