Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If only I could explain to the critters that it's only 2 more weeks of chaos…

At least that is the projected timeline for the contractors to be here. They seem to be flying through the job. The roof is done and they are starting on the siding. After that it's the deck, indoor carpentry and shed. It's helped that the rain comes at night so it's not slowing them down much. The critters don't really care for all the work or the strangers presence.

The older cat hides all the time under my son's bed. The dog is jumpy and barks constantly. The younger cat is ready to run, but is okay as long as the contractors are outside. *lol* The animals are slowly adjusting to my nephew coming in and out. He works for the contractor, but since it's Gramma's house, he comes and goes as he pleases on breaks. I have to admit that the humans are ready to have the strangers gone as well. *lol*

On top of having people here, we have run the roads for the last 3 out of 4 days which hasn't been exactly fun either. We have one more day of running, then we are home until Sunday.

Two more weeks, two more weeks, two more weeks…

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