Saturday, October 04, 2008

Christmas Lists: Yea or Nay?

I vote Yea!

I like how a list enables me to get new ideas from my son.  I can't possibly notice all of his interests the older he gets.  I'm just not as involved as I was when he was 4.  I notice the biggies, but the smaller ones that aren't in front of my face go unnoticed.

Lists give me a way to avoid the same old, same old gifts.  My son doesn't do sports, crafts or mechanics, so lists give me ideas.  Lists also eliminate the gifts that sit in a box for eternity until kiddo can toss it without being seen.  A prime example would be the wood burning kit that is sitting in the garage.  Why did I buy something like that for an super not-crafty kid?!?!  Stupid mom moment!

Obviously, we don't do the huge gimme list.  But he does frequently give me a starting point.  For instance, he tells me which PS2/PC games are interesting, what type of movie and which are his favorite.


Anonymous said...

MissN has started her list already!

Minkydo said...

It's funny how they love to start them early. I can remember a time when my kiddo had his ready by Oct. Of course, back then his stuff didn't cost as much. *lol*

Thanks for stopping!

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