Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ho Hum

I quit my job last week. I don't blame the company as a whole for the awful treatment, just that particular group of management. Trying real hard not to be bitter or speak unkindly. I guess to accomplish that I need to shut up NOW.

It's been cooler the past couple of days. YEAH!!! We actually had some rain the night before last. The ground just soaked it up. The cats are becoming more active. Poor Callie must have lost about 5-7 pounds in this heat. She's never had to deal with heat before as she's always been in air conditioning. Big Baby! Here she is on the table...a spot where she's not allowed. She was just so cute that I had to take a picture. Ha Ha.

So I'm taking a bit of time off to regroup and recoup. My arthritis and fibromyalgia have been flaring pretty bad. Of course, I keep forgetting that I can't walk miles, climb hills and stairs, go up and down ladders at whim and a whole host of things which I used to be able to do and not regret. My problem is I try to too many of these activities in too short a time.

So I'm trying the Flylady thing again since I'm home and have the time. Maybe that messy table above will be clean by the time I find a new job. In between cleaning today, I've been playing on the computer. Mostly fidgeting with my new camera and starting a new blog. It's linked to the right. It's just for pictures. I am also trying to be more diligent with my other 2 blogs. We'll see how long this lasts.

The kid has been good for the past few days....guess that means he'll live out the week. *lol*

Oh and here is picture of Nollie our other cat. She was bound and determined to lay entirely on that paper towel. She's a fat cat (nearly 20 lbs) so it's not easy for her to scrunch up. I just had to laugh at her.

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