Friday, May 25, 2007

Blog I just found & Eistein quote

This blog was listed on the MT forums. It's interesting, funny and heartbreaking. Take a moment to read.

Fingers and Tubes in Every Orifice

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.“
~ Albert Einstein

Friday, May 11, 2007

A gift from my Secret Sister

This was a Mother's Day gift. I absolutely love TULIPS!!!!

I'll post a couple more after they open up more.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Well, I thought I would post an update on how school is going.

Started out by learning all sorts of suffixes, prefixes and root words. Learned all the meanings and how to combine them to make a real word. Some I already knew while others were completely new to me. Didn't do too bad on that first section. Thank goodness for flashcards as I would be totally lost without mine.

Grammar was next on the agenda. Let me tell you a secret; lean in close to the monitor. Don't try to do grammar when you've been up for 18+ hours. Your mind will not be able to compute the directions or figure out what an adverb is and what it modifies. Man! I felt really, really dumb. I made an A in Composition in College, but couldn't figure out silly those silly little parts of speech. After that came punctuation, again I had forgotten plenty. Where exactly do commas go again?!?! I recall I had trouble with those suckers in my College Business English class. The rest of grammar went pretty well. At the Career Step forums everyone said how horrible the grammar section was. I was a bit worried; however, it wasn't that bad once I had some sleep.

After Grammar came "Using Resources" which was basically how to use a medical dictionary and look up stuff online. Didn't take but a couple hours for that section.

Right now I'm in "Human Anatomy, Physiology & Disease Processes" and it's kicking my butt :( I need a general overview of the body's systems rather than an in-depth knowledge. My mind isn't letting anything sink in right now. I look at it and forget in 2 minutes flat. Ugh! I printed some pictures to help me visualize some stuff. Trying to spell this stuff is my main goal, but even that feels impossible right now.

That's about it for now.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I like this quote on success and failure.

"I do not fear success or failure, because in success I learn control, and in failure I learn to try again!!" by Sylvia Browne

I'll post more later :)

Bare pantry

My son cleaned out our pantry (dry goods) about 10 days or so ago. My son, who is 24, works in Retail/Grocery so he's the king of expira...